Keller has the experience and expertise to construct long jetties into deep water to allow the berthing of large vessels without the need for any dredging.

Common uses
For liquefied Natural Gas carrier vessels loading or unloading
Refinery export facilities
For mineral ships loading through conveyor belt and shiploader
Recreational piers
Jetty structures for mobile boat hoist
Execution methods are adapted to the specific conditions of each project but would typically require the fabrication of a platform on which a crane would install at the same time :
- The piles of the next span through a cantilever guide
- The permanent structure of the jetty on the current span
- The slabs of the jetty on the former span
Allowing incremental construction from shore in this way makes this process fast and cost-effective, and provides a value-for-money solution.
If execution of piles in hard soil takes too long compared to the rest of the tasks, a temporary jetty can be erected alongside the permanent jetty to allow safe and permanent access to the works along the full length.
Safer working conditions with limited contact with the sea water
No marine equipment required
Faster execution of works with very reduced weather downtime for rough sea conditions
Execution of the concrete works onshore in excellent conditions ensuring the best quality of works